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Isabelle Gallagher (ENS Paris)

The work of Frank Merle, Pierre Raphaël, Igor Rodnianski, and Jérémie Szeftel

27 September 2023

Ivan Smith (University of Cambridge)

The work of John Pardon

27 September 2023

Valentin Blomer (University of Bonn)

Density theorems and applications

27 September 2023

John Pardon (Stony Brook University)

Derived moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves

27 September 2023

Laure Saint Raymond (IHES)

What does entropy measure?

27 September 2023

Chenyang Xu (Princeton University)

Kähler-Einstein metric, K-stability and moduli spaces

27 September 2023

Kevin Costello (Perimeter Institute)

Scattering amplitudes and vertex algebras

28 September 2022

Igor Rodnianski (Princeton University)

(some) Things you always wanted to know about Mathematical General Relativity

28 September 2022

Jacob Tsimerman (University of Toronto)

The André–Grothendieck period conjecture over function fields

28 September 2022

Bhargav Bhatt (IAS/Princeton University and University of Michigan)

Vanishing theorems in algebraic geometry

28 September 2022

Peter Scholze (University of Bonn)

The work of Bhargav Bhatt

28 September 2022

Ulrike Tillmann (University of Oxford and INI)

The work of Søren Galatius and Oscar Randal-Williams

28 September 2022

Camillo De Lellis (IAS)

The works of Buckmaster, Isett and Vicol in incompressible fluid dynamics

29 September 2021

Edward Witten (IAS)

Gauge theory and the analytic approach to geometric Langlands

29 September 2021

László Székelyhidi (IAS, Leipzig)

Convex integration and synthetic turbulence

29 September 2021