Women in Numbers 3
Date: 20 - 25 April 2014
Location: BIRS
Event type: Workshop
Organisers: Ling Long (LSU), Rachel Pries (Colorado State), Katherine Stange (Colorado, Boulder)
The workshop aims to promote research and leadership among female number theorists within a supportive environment.
Number theory has its roots in the study of the integers, but the great variety of tools and techniques motivated by these ancient questions are now allowing us to address questions intimately connected to a wide variety of fields, from geometry to physics and information theory. This workshop is a continuation of the previous two successful BIRS workshops for women in numbers. It will bring together women at all stages in their research careers, from senior faculty to graduate students, to do new research in some of the most important and vibrant areas of modern number theory, and to continue to build a thriving community of women working in the area.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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