Thematic Program on Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products
Date: 1 January - 30 June 2020
Location: Fields Institute
Event type: Extended Format
Organisers: Anthony Bahri (Rider), Jelena Grbić (Southampton), Lisa Jeffery (Totonto), Taras Panov (Moscow), Donald Stanley (Regina), Stephen Theriault (Southampton)
Toric Topology was first identified 20 years ago and has developed rapidly, with remarkably varied input from cobordism and homotopy theory, algebraic and combinatorial geometry, commutative algebra, and symplectic geometry and integrable systems.
This program is designed to give the subject a transformational push forward by bringing together experts from the many areas currently using toric spaces, moment-angle complexes and polyhedral products. The program will harness existing connections and create new ones. It will provide an environment favorable for stimulating significant progress in a range of mathematical disciplines through synergy, and will be a focal point for elucidating new directions that will guide research for the next five to ten years.
Professor Gunnar Carlsson (Stanford) and Professor Shmuel Weinberger (Chicago) will give the Clay Lecutures at this event.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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