Operator Algebras: Dynamics and Interactions
Date: 1 March - 28 July 2017
Location: CRM
Event type: Extended Format
Organisers: Nathanial P. Brown (Penn State), Francesc Perera (Autonoma Barcelona), Aidan Sims (Wollongong), Stuart White (Glasgow), Wilhelm Winter (Münster)
This intensive research program is designed simultaneously to speed up and contribute to the next game-changing developments in classification and structure theory for C^*-algebras, and to prepare for the new state of play in the area once those developments arrive. According to current developments, the IRP will strive to blend different techniques coming both from C^* and von Neumann algebras and find a common ground to maximise outputs. The program will bring together many of the world’s leading researchers working on C^*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, dynamical systems, and the interactions between these areas. There are three key objectives:
1. To advance classification programs for C^*-algebras and for C^*-dynamical systems.
2. To investigate further suitable models for classifiable C^*-algebras arising from dynamics.
3. To encourage further interaction between C^*-algebras and von Neumann algebras in light of current progress in both areas
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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