Holomorphic Dynamics in One and Several Variables
Date: 23 - 26 August 2014
Location: Gyeongju, Korea
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Taeyong Ahn (Pohang UST), Araceli Bonifant, (Rhode Island)Scott Sutherland (Stony Brook)
Holomorphic dynamics is, and has been since the early 1980s an active area of research. The rich connections between this and other areas of math- ematics such as complex analysis in one and several variables, topology, algebraic geometry, probability and ergodic theory, number theory, physics, Kleinian groups, Teichmu ̈ller the- ory, hyperbolic and complex geometry, etc., makes its study challenging but at the same time very attractive. Holomorphic dynamics has had the privilege of having several Fields medalists among those working on the subject, including John Milnor, Bill Thurston, Curtis McMullen, and Jean-Christophe Yoccoz. This satellite conference to the International Congress will help ensure that the field of Holomorphic Dynamics remains in the interna- tional eye, and encourage younger researchers to become more deeply involved in this vibrant and active field.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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