PAD 2025: Probability, Analysis and Dynamics
Date: 9 - 11 April 2025
Location: University of Bristol
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Márton Balázs (Bristol), Edward Crane (Bristol), Asma Hassannezhad (Bristol), Kevin Hughes (Bristol), Jessica Jay (Bristol), Ben Krause (Bristol), John Mackay (Bristol), Jens Marklof (Bristol)
Probability, analysis and dynamics are three central areas of mathematics in which the UK has a leading position. It is difficult to say exactly where the boundaries between the three fields lie; they have many tools in common and problems in one of the fields are often motivated by results or problems in another. All three topics have physics as an underlying source of questions. Despite this, there are relatively few opportunities for researchers in these fields to interact with each other. This conference gives mathematicians the opportunity to interact with the international speakers who are setting the research agendas for their subjects.
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