Group Actions and Rigidity: Around the Zimmer Program
Date: 15 April - 5 July 2024
Location: Institut Henri Poincaré
Event type: Extended Format
Organisers: Aaron Brown (Northwestern), David Fisher (Rice), Kathryn Mann (Cornell), Vincent Pecastaing (Côte d'Azur), Ralf Spatzier (Michigan)
This term focuses on rigidity of group actions with some focus on issues that arise out of Zimmer’s groundbreaking work in the 1980’s. Areas of interest range from local and global rigidity of group actions to special rigidity phenomena in small dimensions to symmetry groups of geometric structures to measure rigidity results for quite general group actions with hyperbolicity.
This broad area has seen a very large number of dramatic breakthroughs in recent years. The goal of the term is to bring together experts and people in adjacent areas to share ideas and techniques and to foster additional breakthroughs. There will also be a significant component of the term dedicated to introducing younger participants to the broad area.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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