CMI-HIMR Integrable Probability Summer School
Date: 27 - 31 July 2020
Location: Online
Event type: CMI HIMR Summer School
Organisers: Alexei Borodin (MIT) and Ivan Corwin (Columbia)
The domain of integrable probability seeks to understand universal phenomena through exactly solvable probabilistic systems of algebraic and representation theoretic origin. This school will feature five mini courses (and an accompanying research seminar run through July and August) on methods to find and analyze such solvable systems, as well as on more probabilistic approaches to expand the universality classes around them. While the target audience is graduate students or early career researchers who work in this area or nearby fields, all are welcome to attend these lectures.
As part of this Online Summer School, there will be five mini courses, each comprised of three lectures of an hour and fifteen minutes.
Mini Course Lecturers
Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHÉS), On the free energy of the six-vertex model
Talk 1, July 27, 2020
Talk 2, July 29, 2020
Talk 3, July 31, 2020
Rick Kenyon (Yale), Limit shapes and variational principles
Talk 1, July 29, 2020
Talk 2, July 30, 2020
Talk 3, July 31, 2020
Greta Panova (USC), Talk 1: Algebraic combinatorics basics; Talks 2 and 3: Algebraic combinatorics meets probability: statistical mechanics and asymptotics
Talk 1, July 28, 2020
Talk 2, July 30, 2020
Talk 3, July 31, 2020
Fabio Toninelli (TU Vienna), (2+1)-dimensional growth models and the AKPZ universality class
Talk 1, July 27, 2020
Talk 2, July 28, 2020
Talk 3, July 29, 2020
Michael Wheeler (Melbourne), An invitation to the q-Whittaker polynomials
Talk 1, July 28, 2020
Talk 2, July 29, 2020
Talk 3, July 30, 2020
In addition to the mini courses, weekly Friday seminars wil be held throughout July and August.
Seminar Speakers
Amol Aggarwal (CMI and Columbia University), Limit shapes and local statistics for the stochastic six-vertex model
Jinho Baik (University of Michigan), Relaxation time limit of periodic TASEP
Evgeni Dimitrov (Columbia University), Two-point convergence of the stochastic six-vertex model to the Airy process
Yan Fyodorov (King’s College London), On eigenvector statistics in non-normal random matrices
Vadim Gorin (MIT and University of Wisconsin, Madison), Random matrices as seen from infinite beta, Part 1; Part 2
Alan Hammond (University of California, Berkeley), KPZ universality via Brownian Gibbs analysis
Alisa Knizel (Columbia University), Invariant measure for the open KPZ equation
Leonid Petrov (University of Virginia), Symmetric functions from vertex models
Jeremy Quastel (University of Toronto), From TASEP to the KPZ fixed point and KP
Tomohiro Sasamoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Spin current statistics for the quantum 1D XX spin chain and the Bessel kernel
Li-Cheng Tsai (Rutgers University), Moments and tails of stochastic PDEs
Jon Warren (University of Warwick), Reflecting Brownian motions and point-to-line last passage percolation
Nikos Zygouras (University of Warwick), Variants of RSK and polymers
With questions regarding the scientific program, please contact Ivan Corwin or Alexei Borodin. With all other questions, please contact
This postgraduate mathematics summer school is jointly funded by the Clay Mathematics Institute, the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research, the Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford, and the NSF Integrable Probability Focused Research Grant DMS:1664619, DMS:1664650.