Peter Winkler was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to March, 2005, to participate in Probability, Algorithms and Statistical Physics at MSRI.
David Morrison was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December, 2005, to participate in the KITP/CMI Joint Program on Mathematical Structures in String Theory.
Leo Kadanoff was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from Setember to December, 2005, to partcipate in Renormalization and Universality in Mathematics and Physics at the Fields Institute.
Nigel Hitchin was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar during September 2005 to participate in Mathematical Aspects of String Theory at the Kavli Institute.
David Donoho was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from January to May, 2005, to participate in Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Aspects of Image Analysis at MSRI.
Robert Bartnik was appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar from August to December, 2005, to participate in Global Probelms in Mathematical Relativity at the Isaac Newton Institute.