Presentation of Clay Awards
Date: 08 October 2015

At the Clay Research Conference in Oxford on 30 September, Landon Clay presented one of the 2014 Clay Research Awards to Maryam Mirzakhani, following her lecture on Counting mapping class group orbits on hyperbolic surfaces. The award recognised ‘her many and significant contributions to geometry and ergodic theory, in particular to the proof of an analogue of Ratner’s theorem on unipotent flows for moduli of flat surfaces.’
He also presented the 2015 Research Award jointly to Larry Guth and Nets Katz in recognition of ‘their solution of the Erdős distance problem and for other joint and separate contributions to combinatorial incidence geometry. Their work is an important contribution to the understanding of the interplay between combinatorics and geometry.’ Gil Kalai spoke about their work in a video recording.
On 1 October, Landon Clay presented the first Clay Award for the Dissemination of Mathematical Knowledge to Étienne Ghys, following his lecture on Dancing Vortices.