Young Geometric Group Theory IX
Date: 18 - 28 February 2020
Location: Saint-Jacut-de-la-Mer, France
Event type: Workshop
Organisers: Rémi Coulon (Rennes), Bruno Duchesne (Lorraine), Talia Fernós (UNC, Greensboro)
The school will focus on four main speakers, each giving a 4-hour mini-course. Their lectures will present a panoramic overview of some important developments in their field with the goal of enabling the participants to actively participate in the new directions of research emerging from these developments. Special time slots will be reserved for active discussions of the participants under the moderation of the main speakers.
Serge Cantat, Groups of polynomial transformations
Anna Erschler, Growth and amenability of groups
Peter Haissinksy, Convergence groups
Nicolas Monod, Spaces of the third kind
In addition to the four main lecture series, a number of shorter presentations will explore recent developments in geometric group theory not covered by the main lectures. This is to broaden the scope of the workshop, and to encourage the participants to explore the boundaries of the subject.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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