New Trends in Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles (VBAC 2022)
Date: 25 - 29 July 2022
Location: University of Warwick
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Leticia Brambila-Paz (CIMAT Guanajato), Gavin Brown (Warwick), Peter Gothen (Porto), Antony Maciocia (Edinburgh), Margarida Melo (Rome 3), Montserrat Teixidor i Bigas (Tufts)
This conference will address both fundamental questions in moduli theory, the geometry of moduli spaces and interactions with other areas. The main topics to be covered include the general theory of stability conditions in derived categories and non-reductive geometry invariant theory (GIT), higher rank Brill-Noether theory, and Higgs bundles and character varieties. These strongly inter-connected topics have all experienced intensive research activity in recent times and the time is right to bring the community together.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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