V International Symposium on Nonlinear PDEs and Free Boundary Problems
Date: 18 - 21 December 2017
Location: University of Buenos Aires
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Leandro del Pezzo (IMAS, CONICET), Julián Fernández Bonder (Buenos Aires and IMAS, CONICET), Claudia Lederman (Buenos Aires and IMAS, CONICET), Juan Pablo Pinasco (Buenos Aires and IMAS, CONICET), Nicolas Saintier (Buenos Aires and CONICET), Ariel Salort (Buenos Aires and IMAS, CONICET), Analía Silva (San Luis and IMASL, CONICET), Joana Terra (IMAS, CONICET)
This symposium, in honor of Professor Noemi Wolanski, will bring together specialists in the area of nonlinear partial differential equations and free boundary problems to present recent advances and techniques in the field.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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