The Analysis and Geometry of Random Spaces
Date: 18 January - 27 May 2022
Location: MSRI
Event type: Extended Format
Organisers: Mario Bonk (UCLA), Joan Lind (Tennessee), Steffen Rohde (Washington), Eero Saksman (Helsinki), Fredrik Viklund (Royal Institute Tech), Jang-Mei Wu (Illinois)
This program is devoted to the investigation of universal analytic and geometric objects that arise from natural probabilistic constructions, often motivated by models in mathematical physics. Prominent examples for recent developments are the Schramm-Loewner evolution, the continuum random tree, Bernoulli percolation on the integers, random surfaces produced by Liouville Quantum Gravity, and Jordan curves and dendrites obtained from random conformal weldings and laminations. The lack of regularity of these random structures often results in a failure of classical methods of analysis. One goal of this program is to enrich the analytic toolbox to better handle these rough structures.
Professor Nikolai Makarov (Caltech) has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar to participate in this program.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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