Summer School in Semiclassical Analysis
Date: 29 July - 16 August 2019
Location: Northwestern University
Event type: Research School
Organisers: Yaiza Canzani (UNC), Jeffrey Galkowski (Stanford), Jared Wunsch (Northwestern), Steve Zelditch (Northwestern)
The aim of this summer school is to offer a complete course in semiclassical analysis to students and post docs unfamiliar with these tools, giving a thorough introduction with full technical detail in the core of the subject. Alongside the main course, there will be courses offering background information for students with less preparation and courses on cutting-edge applications of semiclassical methods in a variety of areas of pure and applied mathematics. During the first week a course in mathematical quantum mechanics will provide some historical context and physical intuition for the ideas of semiclassical analysis, while a concurrent course in Fourier analysis and distribution theory will ensure that all participants are proficient with these essential tools. Weeks two and three will offer more sophisticated topics courses, featuring applications of semiclassical methods in scattering theory and eigenfunction asymptotics.
Image: Madcoverboy at English Wikipedia
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program