Representations of Quivers: Theory and Applications – a Celebration of the 60th Birthday of Bill Crawley-Boevey
Date: 1 - 10 September 2021
Location: Online
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Karin Baur (Leeds), Eleonore Faber (Leeds), Henning Krause(Bielefeld), Mike Prest (Manchester), Jan Trlifaj (Prague), Michael Wemyss (Glasgow), and Dan Zacharia (Syracuse)
The respresentation theory of quivers has developed through a strong interaction of general theory and the investigation of examples. Bill Crawley-Boevey has had a major influence of the field, his work exemplifying this interaction as well as the entwining of finite- and infinte-dimensional represention theory. Now quivers and their representations appear in many parts of mathematics, in physics, and in an increading variety of applications.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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