Non-Western Mathematics
Date: 27 June 2014
Location: University of Oxford
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Robin Wilson (Oxford)
Morning: History of Mathematics Seminar
11.00: Kim Plofker (Brown University, USA)
Mathematical and observational methods in medieval Indian astronomy
11.40: Joseph Dauben (City University, New York, USA)
Ancient Chinese mathematics: the Nine Chapters on the Art of Mathematics — an appraisal of the text, its editions, and its translations
12.20: Glen Van Brummelen (Quest University, Canada)
Where Zijes went: the travels of astronomical tables in medieval Islam
Afternoon: General Lectures
14.00: Kim Plofker (Brown University, USA)
India at the mathematical crossroads: the pre-modern world’s mathematical sciences and their Indian influences
15.00: Joseph Dauben (City University, New York, USA)
The evolution of mathematics in Ancient China: from newly discovered bamboo texts to the ‘Nine Chapters’
16.00: Tea
16.30: Glen Van Brummelen (Quest University, Canada):
Our forgotten forbears: the mathematical sciences in medieval Islam
17.30: Reception (open to all)
CMI Enhancement and Parternship Program
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