Microlocal Analysis and Applications
Date: 26 - 30 June 2017
Location: Cardiff University
Event type: CMI-LMS Research School
Organisers: Suresh Eswarathasan (Cardiff) Colin Guillarmou (Paris Sud) Roman Schubert (Bristol)
Lecture Courses:
1 ) Alexander Strohmaier (University of Leeds) & Jared Wunsch (Northwestern University)
Basic ideas in microlocal analysis
2 ) Stéphane Nonnenmacher (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay) & Andrew Hassell (Australian National University)
Spectral and scattering theory
3 ) Viviane Baladi (CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, UPMC) & Colin Guillarmou (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Pollicott-Ruelle resonances, mixing in dynamical systems, and x-ray transforms
Each course will be 4 to 5 hours long, with 1 to 2 hours tutorials.
Distinguished Lectures:
Mark Pollicott (University of Warwick)
Hyperbolic dynamical systems
Gunther Uhlmann (University of Washington, Seattle)
Inverse problems
Nicolas Burq (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Spectral theory and scattering theory
These lectures will be one hour each.
CMI-LMS Research Schools aim to introduce the brightest young mathematicians in the world to active and important areas of research through lectures by international leaders, as well as to help establish these participants as future leaders in their own research communities.