Introduction to Geometry, Dynamics, and Moduli in Low Dimensions
Date: 11 - 15 September 2017
Location: University of Warwick
Event type: CMI-LMS Research School
Organisers: Javier Aramayona (Madrid), Saul Schleimer (Warwick), John Smillie (Warwick)
The Research School will feature a set of minicourses, offering an introduction to a number of central topics in low-dimensional topology, geometry and dynamics. Each minicourse will be broadly directed towards one of the workshops in the Warwick-EPSRC symposium on Geometric Topology in Low Dimensions, and will present the basic material needed to understand the central objects, ideas, and techniques that will appear there.
There will also be tutorial support for each course, at which attendees will have the opportunity to review the lectures, solve problems and ask questions related to the material presented in the course.