Geometric and Topological Combinatorics
Date: 14 August - 15 December 2017
Location: MSRI
Event type: Extended Format
Organisers: Jesus De Loera (UC, Davis), Vic Reiner (Minnesota Twin Cities), LEAD Francisco Santos (Cantabria), Francis Su (Harvey Mudd), Rekha Thomas (Washington), Günter M. Ziegler (FU Berlin)
Combinatorics is one of the fastest growing areas in contemporary Mathematics, and much of this growth is due to the connections and interactions with other areas of Mathematics. This program is devoted to the very vibrant and active area of interaction between Combinatorics with Geometry and Topology. That is, we focus on (1) the study of the combinatorial properties or structure of geometric and topological objects and (2) the development of geometric and topological techniques to answer combinatorial problems.
Key examples of geometric objects with intricate combinatorial structure are point configurations and matroids, hyperplane and subspace arrangements, polytopes and polyhedra, lattices, convex bodies, and sphere packings. Examples of topology in action answering combinatorial challenges are the by now classical Lovász’s solution of the Kneser conjecture, which yielded functorial approaches to graph coloring, and the more recent, extensive topological machinery leading to breakthroughs on Tverberg-type problems.
Professor Francisco Santos (Cantabria) has been appointed as a Clay Senior Scholar to participate in this program.
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