Generalized Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
Date: 5 - 9 December 2016
Location: Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Event type: CMI Workshop
Organisers: Marco Gualtieri (Toronto), Brent Pym (Oxford), Michel Van den Bergh (Hasselt)
There are several striking similarities between the structure of noncommutative graded algebras and the geometry of generalized complex manifolds. At present, these parallels are mostly phenomenological in nature; a more precise formulation of the relationship is expected to lead to significant insights into both subjects. This workshop aims to clarify these links by bringing together experts from both noncommutative algebra and generalized geometry, as well as nearby subjects such as mirror symmetry, deformation quantization and mathematical physics. There will be a particular focus on the following topics:
– Structure of generalized Kähler 4-manifolds and Artin’s conjecture on noncommutative surfaces
– Quantization of generalized complex and Poisson manifolds
– Noncommutative D-branes and mirror symmetry
Invited participants: Michael Bailey (Utrecht), Pieter Belmans (Antwerp), Henrique Bursztyn (IMPA), Daniel Chan (New South Wales), Ryushi Goto (Osaka), Nigel Hitchin (Oxford), Chris Hull (Imperial), Daniel Huybrechts (Bonn), Colin Ingalls (New Brunswick), Ulf Lindström (Uppsala), Wendy Lowen (Antwerp), Ruxandra Moraru (Waterloo), Shinnosuke Okawa (Osaka), Martin Rocek (Stony Brook), Justin Sawon (North Carolina), Geoffrey Schneider (Temple), Pavol Ševera (Geneva), Sue Sierra (Edinburgh), Paul Smith (Washington), Toby Stafford (Manchester), Jeff Streets (UC Irvine), Joey van der Leer Durán (Utrecht), Daniel Waldram (Imperial), Chelsea Walton (Temple), Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala)