Functional Transcendence around Ax-Schanuel
Date: 29 September - 3 October 2014
Location: Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford
Event type: CRC Workshop
Organisers: Jonathan Pila (Oxford) and Alex Wilkie (Manchester)
Schanuel’s conjecture governs the transcendence properties of the exponential function. In a differential field it is a theorem of Ax (1971). Natural analogues for the uniformising maps of Shimura varieties, and related formulations, are of interest in Diophantine geometry, differential Galois theory, model theory, and complex geometry. This workshop will gather participants from all these disciplines to share methods, results, and conjectures around this topic.
Speakers: Daniel Bertrand (Jussieu), Alexandru Buium (New Mexico), Philipp Habegger (Darmstadt), Jonathan Kirby (East Anglia), Bruno Klingler (Jussieu), Piotr Kowalski (Wroclaw), Angus Macintyre (Queen Mary London), David Masser (Basel), Ngaiming Mok (Hong Kong), Anand Pillay (Notre Dame), Michael Singer (North Carolina State), Emmanuel Ullmo (Paris Sud), Sai Kee Yeung (Purdue), Umberto Zannier (Pisa), Boris Zilber (Oxford)
Partially supported by EPSRC grant EP/J019232/1.