Foundations of Computational Mathematics, FoCM 2023
Date: 12 - 21 June 2023
Location: Sorbonne Université
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Claire Boyer (Sorbonne), Albert Cohen (Sorbonne), Daphné Giorgi (Sorbonne), Laura Grigori (Sorbonne), Barbara Gris (Sorbonne), Julien Guillod (Sorbonne), Pierre-Vincent Koseleff (Sorbonne), Santiago Laplagne
The FoCM 2023 Conference in Paris will build upon previous FoCM conferences and will make it a unique meeting point of specialists in computational mathematics and of researchers in mathematics and in computer science. The emphasis will be on multidisciplinary interaction across subjects and disciplines, in an informal and friendly atmosphere. The mornings are devoted to plenary lectures delivered by some of the foremost world authorities, and during the afternoons participants split into 7 workshops of the highest technical level. The organizers and committed participants of the conference have an outstanding history of intellectual and service contributions to the foundations of computational mathematics. Detailed planning of the conference program is well advanced. The organizers of the 21 workshops are chosen to include both established senior and talented junior researchers, their potential, diversity and creativity promising a vibrant scientific program.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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