EMS/EWM Summer School: Geometric and Physical Aspects of Trudinger-Moser Type Inequalities
Date: 27 June - 1 July 2016
Location: Institut Mittag-Leffler
Event type: Research School
Organisers: Marta Calanchi (Milano), Federica Sani (Milano), Cristina Tarsi (Milano)
Starting from the state of art, the school aims at promoting new directions in sharp limiting inequalities of Trudinger-Moser types and applications to problems arising from geometry and physics. Professors Hajer Bahouri, Sun-Yung Alice Chang and Gabriella Tarantello will present three courses focusing on this topic, along with addiitonal talks given by some of the participants, as well as a poster session. These supplementary research activities will complement the main courses and motivate further discussion among participants. Students, post-docs and other young researchers will have the opportunity to get up to date with new research advances, or to enter this fasciniting field of research.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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