Dynamics of Group Actions
Date: 27 - 31 May 2019
Location: Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro, Italy
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Olivier Guichard (Strasbourg), Antonin Guilloux (Paris 6), Fanny Kassel (CNRS, IHÉS), Bruno Klingler (Berlin), Ludovic Marquis (Rennes 1), Paul Mercat (Marseille), Jean-François Quint (CNRS, Bordeaux), Ilia Smilga (Yale)
This conference will bring together exceptional senior researchers and talented young researchers in dynamics of group actions on the occasion of Yves Benoit’s 60th birthday. Benoist has made several ground-breaking contributions to the topic and his influence is remarkable. The conferece will be a unique opportunity for discussion, to present new and important works, and to give a new impetus to research in the field.
Professor Elon Lindenstrauss will give the Clay Lecture at this event.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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