Arithmetic Geometry in Carthage
Date: 17 - 28 June 2019
Location: Tunisian Academy Beit al-Hikma, Tunis, Tunisia
Event type: Conference
Research SchoolOrganisers: Ahmed Abbes (CNSR, IHÉS), Christophe Breuil (CNRS, Orsay), Michael Harris (Columbia), Ariane Mézard (Sorbonne), Takeshi Saito (Tokyo)
This two week program on arithmetic geometry will focus on a number of areas of important progress over the past three or four years: p-adic Hodge theory, p-adic Langland program, ramification of étale l-adic sheaves, special values of L functions and automorphic and motivic periods, and conjectures of Deligne, Beilinson, and Gan-Gross-Prasad. The first week will be devoted to a summer school and the second to a conference.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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