AMS Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry
Date: 12 July - 1 August 2015
Location: University of Utah
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Tommaso de Fernex (Utah), Brendan Hassett (Rice), Mircea Mustata (Michigan), Martin Olsson (Berekley), Mihnea Popa (Northwestern), Richard Thomas (Imperial), Ellen Maycock (AMS), Nick Woodhouse (CMI)
Since Zariski organised a meeting in 1953 at which Serre’s work on coherent sheaves was introducted to American alebraic geometry, there has been a major algebraic geometry meeting every decade. These meetings have had a profound influence on the subject, providing a natural point to summarize a decade of progress and new developments, and an opportunity to lay out new programs and ideas for the next decade.
Plenary lecturers: Tom Bridgeland (Sheffield), Serge Cantat (Rennes), Simon Donaldson (Imperial and Stony Brook), Hélène Esnault (FU Berlin), Mark Gross (Cambridge), Christopher Hacon (Utah), Mark Kisin (Harvard), Maxim Kontsevich (IHES), Jacob Lurie (Harvard), James McKernan(UC San Diego), Bao Châo Ngô (Chicago), Andrei Okounkov (Columbia), Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zürich), Peter Scholze (Bonn), Claire Voisin (École Polytechnique), Shou-Wu Zhang (Princeton)
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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