2014 Summer School in Probability
Date: 2 - 27 June 2014
Location: University of British Columbia
Event type: Research School
Organisers: Omer Angel (UBC), Martin Barlow (UBC), David Bridges (UBC), Asaf Nachmias (UBC), Ed Perkins (UBC)
There will be two 4-week courses:
Asaf Nachmias: Random walks on random fractals.
Elchanan Mossel: Influences and noise stability in product space.
as well as 3 short (3 lecture) courses:
Alison Etheridge, Stochastic models of evolution (June 5-9)
Allan Sly, Phase transitions for random constraint satisfaction (June10-13)
Ofer Zeitouni, Log correlated Gaussian fields and branching random walks (June 23-27)
There will also be opportunities for interested participants to present their own research. The courses are intended primarily for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in Probability.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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