20 Years of Anosov Representations
Date: 7 - 11 October 2024
Location: MPIM Leipzig
Event type: Conference
Organisers: Oliver Guichard (Strasbourg), Fanny Kassel (IHES), Anna Wienhard (MPIM)
Since their introduction in François Labourie’s seminal 2004 paper, Anosov representations have been a driving force in the study of discrete subgroups of higher-rank Lie groups, and have helped to stimulate two decades of research in the area. This conference/workshop, celebrating 20 years of progress in the field, brings together researchers studying the geometric, dynamical, and algebraic aspects of Anosov representations, as well as their connections to other topics.
The event will consist of a two-day introductory workshop for younger mathematicians, intended to provide an overview of Anosov representations for those new to the subject, followed by a three-day research conference focusing on recent developments.
CMI Enhancement and Partnership Program
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